Testimonial Detail |
Cathy Bi |
Cathy BiBroker房产经纪人 Having lived in Toronto for over 25 years, Cathy knows the GTA very well and have excellent insight on its housing market. She developed a strong financial and investment background while working at CIBC for ten years, which makes her an outstanding realtor who can recognize great opportunities with growing potential. Cathy has also helped builders to accomplish and manage over $70million construction loan. In addition, Cathy possesses great communication and negotiation skills as an ILSAT license holder(Mandarin -English) interpreter approved by Ontario Citizenship and Immigration.... Cathy Bi 移居多伦多二十五年多,熟悉大多伦多地区从南到北、由东到西的每个角落。我在大多伦多地产领域从业已有十多个年头,一直以来,我致力于帮助众多客人成功地找到了梦想的家园和回报丰厚的投资物业。因曾受雇于CIBC (加拿大帝国银行),拥有十多年的金融管理工作经历,我非常熟悉加国的金融系统。并在工作中与相关的律所、会计师、贷款专员等诸多领域建立了广泛的人脉。这些经历和人脉使我对地产投资独具慧眼,成功地为客人们带来了及时、高效的服务。另外我毕业于北京外国语大学英语系,在加拿大持有公民和移民厅颁发的ILSAT 国英语口译证书,面对各种族裔,拥有极强的沟通和谈判技巧。也曾经为本地开发商成功申请和管理超过七千万的商业建筑贷款。我是一位集金融与地产于一身,并值得信赖的专业地产经纪... |
Posted by Cathy Bi |