Team member - Shawn Luan

Shawn Luan

Executive Assistant

Shawn Luan helped clients to find their dream home and accomplished their investment goals by using his professional real estate skills and special understanding. More than 10 years living and studying experience in Hamilton and Toronto makes him know GTA area very well, and also an immigration office working experience helps him accurately predict the trend of real estate industry. Let him help you to achieve your goal!


Shawn Luan 靠着丰富且扎实的专业知识以及对房地产投资方面独到的见解,不断地帮助客户找到自己理想住所和完成投资目标。超过10年的加拿大学习生活和移民类的工作经验。对大多及周边地区了如指掌,更是对移民政策和对房地产行业的影响研究的十分透彻。让我来帮你实现梦想!

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